An excellent conclusion to our third and final Trivia night of the year at the Diversa bistro bar! As always, we relished in a wonderful evening of acquiring new knowledge, savoring delicious food, and dancing to the rhythms of Hispanic music.

A heartfelt thank you to all participants: UNAM professors, project colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. To each of you, thank you for your ongoing support of this endeavor.

Himee & Jana
Rehma & Lischen

Many students had the opportunity to start selling raffle tickets for the draw scheduled for February 23, 2024, which serves as our primary means of funding. Gratitude to the initial participants in the raffle and to all those yet to come. Thank you for being a part of this project!

Your support is very important for us. You can help us by following us on social media and spreading the word about our project!



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