If you want to help us raise the necessary funds for the final phase of the project, you can pre-order the digital or physical version of the book we are writing, which we hope to have published and available on the day of our arrival in Spain, on November, 14th.

If you help us by purchasing the book in advance, we will be eternally grateful, and you will be one of the first to receive it. In our crowfunding website you can do it.

The goal is to have a written record, through a sort of novelized logbook, of how this project was achieved, all the work invested, the various experiences and adventures lived to make it happen, and especially how grateful we are to all the people who, to greater or lesser extents, have contributed to making this possible. Infinite words of gratitude and mentions will be found for those who have closely experienced this unforgettable journey.

Your support is very important for us. You can addiotanlly help us by following us on social media and spreading the word about our project.
