The New Project – UNAM 2025

After successfully making the Yo Me Voy Pa’ España project a reality in 2024—despite having much private or institutional support and no prior experience organizing trips of this kind—this year, the excitement among the second-year Spanish students at the University of Namibia is even greater. They know that if it was done once, it can be done again, though they are also fully aware of the effort it requires.

To achieve this, all the studentes involved are already working hard, setting up the first markets, while the new Spanish lecturer, Lara, is leading them from her position at the University of Namibia. At the same time, once officially recognized, the Yo Me Voy Pa’ España Cultural Association will carry out all possible activities to help make this dream come true once again and establish it as a lasting and repeatable initiative for future editions.

We remind everyone why are we still doing something like this

Debido a las circunstancias económicas que afectan Namibia, one of the countries with the highest economic inequality ratio in the world, this journey would be a dream for many. However, as the limit is only imagination, we hope to achieve it again with the help of everyone. These kinds of experiences can be life-changing for many of the participants, and we think everybody should access to the same type of opportunities, specially in one of the richest countries in the world where only less than 4 million people live.

¿Qué necesitamos?

Around 1,300 euros are needed per student to cover the cost of airfare, transportation within Spain, accommodation, torustic activities and meals.

To achieve this, we are participating in markets in Windhoek, selling Spanish food and drinks such as empanadas, Spanish tortilla and sangría. We will be soon also selling tickets de rifas with prizes provided by some businesses in Windhoek and even organizing more music concerts. You can take a look at all our progress on the blog.

Despite all our efforts, the possibility of raising the necessary budget through these channels is slim. Therefore, we have decided to give more visibility to this project by setting up soon a crowfunding webpage that allows us to receive donations in exchange for classes in the various languages we speak: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Afrikaans, German, and several native languages of Namibia. This way, you can practice the language you are learning and, at the same time, help us make the dream of traveling to Spain come true again.

El impacto

La importancia de llevar a cabo este proyecto es crucial para los estudiantes involucrados en él. El tiempo, la energía y el esfuerzo que han dedicado deben materializarse en la realización de este viaje de estudios. Las vidas y el potencial de nuestros estudiantes podrían cambiar positivamente al estar expuestos a un entorno tan diverso a una edad tan temprana.

Para la mayoría de nuestros estudiantes de español, con una edad promedio de 20 años, emprender este viaje por su cuenta sería inalcanzable. Esperamos que, con la contribución, empatía y ayuda de todos, podamos hacer realidad este hermoso sueño.

Otras formas de ayudar

Si no puedes contribuir económicamente, también sería un gran apoyo para nosotros si pudieras ayudar a difundir esta iniciativa entre tus seres queridos. Quizás ellos puedan apoyarnos directamente. ¡Muchas gracias!

Tu apoyo es muy importante para nosotros. ¡Puedes ayudarnos siguiéndonos en las redes sociales y difundiendo nuestro proyecto!
