Come to try Spanish delicacies in our second market participation

After the first market we participated in a month ago in Droombos, next Sunday, October 29, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, we will be participating one more time in selling Spanish food and beverages, along with handmade natural cosmetics, at The Village Market.

Live music, international cuisine, local producers and artisans will make this day an ideal moment to spend with family or friends. We look forward to sharing Spanish cuisine and culture with you once again. See you there.

Tu apoyo es muy importante para nosotros. Puedes ayudarnos siguiéndonos en las redes sociales y ¡difundiendo la noticia sobre nuestro proyecto!

2 comentarios

First event at Droombos Market - Yo Me Voy Pa' España · 24 de octubre de 2023 a las 20:26

[…] Despite the fact that there weren’t many people, and it was our first time participating in a market, we were able to raise all the invested money and introduce our project to the public in person. Many thanks to all who supported us in this first event. See you at the next one at The Village Market. […]

Trivia contest at Diversa - Yo Me Voy Pa' España · 25 de octubre de 2023 a las 12:23

[…] will take place just two days later of The Village Market where we will be this Sunday, Octubre 29, selling Spanish delicacies and natural cosmetics. Here you […]

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